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Tailgating is one of the most dangerous driving behaviors, causing more than 950,000 injuries and 2,000 deaths each year, according to the rear-end collisions”>NHTSA. Even when the consequences aren’t so serious, practicing these safe driving tips in Tampa, FL will help you avoid paying for unnecessary car repairs.

Avoid Flying Debris

As cars roll along the road, tires kick up rocks and debris that can ding your windshield. Accidents are often caused by items being thrown out the window or cargo coming loose from a truck bed. When you are following too closely, these projectiles are more likely to hit your windshield. At best, you are left with a small chip to repair, but with enough force, some objects can smash through the glass. Keep extra room between you and the vehicle ahead if it is hauling materials or has mud flaps.

Dodge the Potholes

When you are nearly touching bumpers with the vehicle ahead, it is difficult to spot car-damaging dips and other dangerous road conditions. Even if you are lucky enough to not warp the wheel alignment, suspension, or shocks, hitting a pothole can cause tiny windshield chips to spider out into longer cracks. Give yourself enough reaction time to safely change lanes and maneuver around unsafe obstacles.

Keep the Windows Clean

Poor windshield vision contributes to nearly half of all fatal car accidents. When following another car too closely, your windshield is more likely to get sprayed with rain, mud, sand, and road grime. While your car is equipped to quickly clean the window, you will go through more windshield washer fluid and put higher wear and tear on your wiper blades. Fine particles can also scratch the glass, which causes blurry spots or can distort reflections from headlights and the blazing Florida sunlight.

Even a tiny crack can be dangerous because it compromises the structural integrity of the windshield. Protect your windshield and your life by following these driving tips and scheduling an auto glass repair appointment with Mr. Auto Glass at (866) 300-5013.

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